Why does this site exist?

Frequently asked questions.


As a parent I would like to enable my kid to safely be part of social media.

We once had dinner with another family. The discussion evolved around social media and how to prove that we are ready to contribute or consume. At this evening I decided to write a test - once passed ....


  • Learn about the risks and opportunites of social media.
  • Test your knowledge to assess if you're ready to get started with social networks.
  • Recertify the knowledge regurarly to stay up-to-date with the latest insights.
  • Speak about social media best practice with your friends.


We are driven by a set of core values that guide everything we do:

  • Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the digital age.
  • Privacy: We store the least required information to identify certificate holders. In this case it's a hashed value of the email address.

About me

As of now it's a one-man-show.

  • Gian Luca Decurtins


    Father with IT background


Have questions or want to provide feedback? I'd love to hear from you!

Email: [email protected]